Friday, March 21, 2008

On Monetary Denominations -- The Penny

I got my first new five dollar bill today, and they are more interesting than I expected, but I don't think they are as pretty as the orange ten or the red white and blue fifty (which I've glanced at just once). I'm curious as to what the hundred has changed to, but I haven't seen one of those in ages. It got me thinking about pennies.

Pennies are an annoyance, and every once in awhile as a diverison from more important issues there will be talk of eliminating them. I think it is finally time for the penny to go, but I think that if I were six years old I would disagree. When I was six, I loved pennies. I'd hear talk of the treasury getting rid of them and I'd freak out. I thought, "how will I ever make it in this world without pennies?" When you are a kid, parents let you use pennies like they are play money. They are about all you ever get. When I was little I thought that one day I'd collect enough pennies that they would amass to something. So, while old me is tired of pennies, the idealist in me thinks we should keep them around for the kids.

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