Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Boss?!?!?!? Why have you Forsaken us?!?

I know more and more artists are releasing CDs exclusively through corporate giant Wal-Mart, effectively hurting what little business is left for music retail and independent music stores, but I never though that Bruce Springsteen would do such a thing. Springsteen has made his career on being a blue-collar everyman. That's why it was surprising when I found that he was releasing a Greatest Hits CD exclusively through Wal-Mart.


The good news, though, is that it shouldn't sell very well. Almost all of the previous Springsteen collections are superior. The only thing this collection adds is "Radio Nowhere" which even most casual fans should have since it was available as a free download on iTunes prior to the release of Magic. The disc only includes a meager 12 songs, when many more could have easily fit. Furthermore, those 12 songs come off of only 7 albums, completely leaving out Nebraska, Tunnel of Love, Devils and Dust and other popular Springsteen albums. Hopefully it won't make enough to even return the investment.

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